超过一半在南非的鸟类可以在克鲁格国家公园看到。有超过520种鸟类在这公园。我在离开Satara Base Camp后,开始看到更多鸟类。可惜我没有长镜;不能把它们拍的更大,更仔细。但能够拍摄到部分较近距离的鸟类,已很过瘾了。也察觉原来鸟类与鱼类一样,都是那麽的五彩缤纷。也要谢谢Arun;克鲁格公园的护林员(park rangers),告诉我拍摄到的鸟类名字。
Over half South Africa's recorded bird species are to be found in Kruger. There are over 520 species in the Park, roughly half of which are summer migrants from Eurasia and elsewhere in Africa. Most of the raptors found in southern Africa occur in Kruger.
There is good birding throughout the Park, particularly in riverine habitats. The best time for birding in Kruger is between October and March when all the migrants are in residence and food is at its most plentiful.